Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Lotions and Potions
Mom and I traveled almost to the mountains today to purchase beeswax for our apothecary products we are currently producing in the kitchen.  It seems that my love for making "potions" when I was a child has not left my mind.  When I was a child, it seems that one of my favorite past times was to mix up all the bath products and call them potions.  It normally resulted in me in tears and my mother very angry.  But today she was in full support of my potion creating. In fact, she has come round to my side and is embarking as my partner in crime.

I have stumbled on a crafty notion that perhaps making such things as laundry detergent and dishwasher soap would be healthier and better on the green scale.  Wilson, my "ever-green" son, is always helping keep check of the heavy footprints we are making on this earth.  

While I am always looking for new and interesting ways to make a difference, as usual I have taken it to the extreme.  (This is why several years ago I gave up crafting for Lent.) I should know to go at these things with extreme caution.  I take things to extremes.  My trunk is full of lotion and potion making materials and my pocket book is light.  Hey, if this works, I will have lots of Christmas gifts, right?  On schedule to make are lip balms, hand lotions, soap, and bath fizzies tomorrow.

We have successfully made our own laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent, all purpose cleaner and stain remover.  These products are all natural and easier on the environment.  I am quite proud of our current products and look forward to sharing these with my friends and family this holiday season.

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